OCT FastPATS Ford Programming Software
Incode / Outcode Software for Ford 2013-2025
Software Only - OEM Crack Tools downloads the software remotely
Comes w/ 5 FREE Tokens
Show key count. On keyed vehicles it can show the count of PATS transponders and the count of key fobs. On keyless vehicles it can also show the count of written keys inside the car and the count of emergency marks. This function is available on the Keys tab.
- Write keys. Writing PATS transponders and key fobs on keyed and keyless vehicles. The original key is not required. This function is available on the PATS functions tab.
- Erase keys. Erasing all PATS transponders and key fobs on keyed and keyless vehicles. This function is available on the PATS functions tab.
- Read keypad code. Reading keypad factory code on all vehicles. This function is available on the PATS functions tab.
- Write keypad code. Changing and writing keypad factory code on all vehicles. This function is available on the PATS functions tab.
- Initialize PATS modules. Initialization of PATS modules (PCM, BCM, ABS, RFA, ESCL and TCM, SOBDMx on EV vehicles) after replacement. This function is available on the PATS functions tab.
- Restore factory defaults of BCM. Restoring BCM factory defaults after invalid configuration or other damage caused by incorrect use of diagnostic tools. This function is available on the Other functions tab.
- Disarming BCM. Turning off BCM security mode if the vehicle has sounds and lights signaling and if it has any security errors with standard PATS operations. This function is available on the Other functions tab.