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GM Over the Air Programming / Member Token (10pk Promo) - Southeastern Keys

GM Over the Air Programming / Member Token

OEM Crack Tools
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REQUIREMENTS for Over the Air Programming

  1. Laptop - Any laptop works with Windows operating system
  2. Pass Thru Device - Any Autel J2534, (V200-type C to USB)
  3. Internet - Upload speed of 9+, This is the most important part of OTA programming. Run your internet speed prior to calling in
  4. Call to Schedule your GM Programming  

What is a Member Token?

  1. Anyone that has purchased a laptop from OEM CT & Southeastern Keys
  2. Anyone that has purchased a Monthly or Yearly Membership

What is the benefit of being a Member?

  1. Big Savings for Over the Air Programming
  2. Preferred Access to our Tech Support Staff